Environment Setup



  1. Install docker desktop
  2. Pull the image using docker pull ros:foxy
  3. Install vcxsrv choco install vcxsrv (Run the terminal in admin mode)
    1. https://dev.to/darksmile92/run-gui-app-in-linux-docker-container-on-windows-host-4kde (opens in a new tab)
    2. You may need to install choco first if you don't have that on your system
  4. Run XLaunch program and run through the default configuration (Disable Access Control) and save the configuration to %userprofile%\Desktop
  5. Run docker run -it -e DISPLAY=[your-ip-address]:0.0 --name=[name-you-want-for-container] ros:foxy
    1. For [your-ip-address], do ipconfig and find the ip of your local machine
  6. After opening a terminal to your docker container, install and setup git as can be found here Git setup (opens in a new tab)

Import notes:

  1. After going through all the ros foxy installation, don't forget to source the setup file. Ideally, input the source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash into the ~/.bashrc file
  2. When you want to open up another terminal or want to continue on the same image you made with the docker run -it ..., use docker exec -it [container-name] bash.


For ubuntu systems, installing ROS directly on the system is recommended


Follow the installation steps shown here in the github but change out the ros:latest with ros:foxy https://gist.github.com/vfdev-5/b7685371071036cb739f23b3794b5b83 (opens in a new tab)

Mac TroubleShooting

Trouble connecting to XQuartz:

  • Go to your terminal: xauth list
  • Copy the line corresponding to your IP addy/$DISPLAY value
  • Go back to docker env: install xauth (apt install xauth)
  • xauth add [full line with ip]